Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Turn my eyes from watching what is worthless . . . 

 - From Psalm 119

In my last blog, I stated that I would watch social media in the next twenty-four hours, for posts that are worthless, as well as those that are precious. I would carefully track this and then report on the next day, and apply to the daily reading and writing.

But I didn't follow through on it. I got busy. Our business is entering it's busiest two weeks of the year. But no excuses.

My hesitation actually worked out for the best, for here, in today's reading, is another use of the word "worthless." In my prior post, Jeremiah was told not to say things that are worthless. And then today, the Psalmist asks God to keep us from watching what's worthless.

I'm sure it does not take much imagination, to list out things in the modern world, that are worthless for us to look at. Most cable TV, social media, the habits and attire of people in public. In an unfortunate juxtaposition of nature, the more you draw attention to yourself, the more you're probably doing what's worthless, in the eternal scheme of things. We're not supposed to dwell on externalities, but that's everything today. And with this focus on self, is it any wonder crowds of angry and bitter people, easily form?

The best way to stay happy and centered is to focus on serving others.

A friend of mine just told me that she has permanently turned off Facebook, and she is much happier.

Another friend eschews social media and apps, altogether. She emphasizes her daily walks and bike rides. Her life is simple, orderly, neat, and happy.

The 80-20 rule is in play. The happiest 20% of people probably spend 80% of their time away from worthless pursuits. You will find them outside, or in creative hobbies. They attend to their physical health. They read. They write. They engage in fellowship with others. They push away from the worthless prattle of TV talking heads and click-bait.

We should strive to be a happiness 1%er.

Meanwhile, I will try to follow through on my Social Media monitoring, this time.

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