Sunday, December 15, 2019


 . . . do not grumble against one another . . . . 

 - From James 5

Advent is about waiting, and patience. Don't be so nervous! Don't worry so much! 

These emotions yield words and deeds that we will regret (or at least, let's hope we regret it - - - if we say harmful things to and about others, and don't care; then we have a whole set of other problems to address).

Worriers end up grumbling. James says not to grumble against one another. 

I've about had it with the feud between Christian Conservatives and Liberals, being played out, right in the open, on Social media. 

These people are more interested in currying favor from some secular group they consider "cool" than they are in building up the Body of Christ. If the Church could pull itself together, miracles would happen. 

But you have to listen to each other and actually consider the other person to be a human that has value. God loves us all equally.

God needs His Church to be One. Christ prayed for it, with tears. And I get ignored, or mocked, every time I bring it up on-line. 

The grumbling must stop. Remember these words from James: "Do not grumble against one another."

And then use these words, when necessary. Stop grumbling - - - you're ruining Christmas for everybody. 

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