Friday, December 13, 2019

Some Balance in a Partisan Era: I Peter (TEN Years!)

First posted Monday, November 23, 2009

It's hard to believe the degree to which partisans of opposing sides hate one another.

Let's do a little exercise. Take a moment right now, to pray. Really, do it. If only for a few seconds. Ask God to grant you the grace and wisdom to view others as Christ does. Ask for God to place His love directly in your heart at this moment. If you can look out a window at people passing by, then do so, and imagine the warmth that fills God's heart when He notices the same people.

Is there someone you are angry at? Pray that God removes your anger and permits you to forgive that person. You have to do this for the exercise to work!

Now imagine what Jesus must think when he looks at his flock. Whether someone is in prison, or unemployed, or sick, or divorced, or orphaned . . . whatever the case. Think about the compassion he feels for all of us and try to get the same into your heart, just now.


Now say the following out loud:

"I can't stand . . . " And finish the sentence with the name of a person.

Imagine you're a Democrat. Say "I can't stand Sarah Palin." If you're a Republican, say out loud "I can't stand Nancy Pelosi."

If you are truly seeing these two people, humans just like the rest of us, as God does, then you cannot possibly say that you "can't stand" them. "Can't standing" is the same as hating. And God has called us not to hate, but rather to love, others.

If you're like me, and you have prayed and checked your own human emotions, the phrase "I can't stand" might feel like a swear word to you. It has an ugly sound, and does not roll easily off the tongue. I feel I should speak it quietly, lest God Himself hear me say it! Perhaps I'll clear my throat after saying it. Maybe I'll apologize to those around me, for letting slip such a terrible string of words, in public! Best yet, maybe they'll take it as a joke, and laugh! Or perhaps they'll "know what I mean!"

Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin are people just like you and me. And they happen to have been placed in positions of authority . . . by Who? Yes, by God Himself.

Give honor to all: love brotherhood, fear God, respect the king.

You can hate the laws Nancy Pelosi passes. You can hate Sarah Palin's views. Chances are you will find something about me, or your best friend, or your spouse, or your children, that you hate.

But you must not hate the person!

Learn how to "stand" others. God requires it.

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