Saturday, December 7, 2019

TEN YEARS! "Improve Your Prospects" (James 1)

Originally published Sunday, October 25, 2009


The Unvarnished New Testament, translated by Andy Gaus, uses the word "lucky" in place of what normally would be "blessed." Many people look awry when you tell them this. "Luck" to them, has knee-jerk connotations of playing the odds, betting, gambling. How can we say that a person with blessings is just "lucky"?

Our westernized Christian biases get in the way of seeing what is really there. Apparently, the Hebrew mind of two thousand years ago equated "luck" with "good fortune," with "well-being."

How many of us, if we won the Super Lotto, would not thank God for blessing us?

So, it really does make some sense. I have heard successful people say, for many years now, that you make yourself luckier through hard work. Nature itself rewards hard work and diligence with success and material wealth. Why should not the Lord of of Nature Himself, the author of our destinies, be recognized too, as the Maker of our luck?

But the one who leans down to look at the perfect law of freedom and stays there, who is not a forgetful listener but an active doer, that person will have good luck in whatever he does.

Did you catch something that sounds like a promise there?

Right some wrong. Love some unloved person. Fill some need. Teach some truth. Heal some wound. Feed some hungry. Clothe some naked. Father some orphan. House some widow. Befriend some alien. Serve some lonely.

There is plenty to do out there; plenty of work for God's Kingdom. No matter where you are in life, no matter your economic condition, your health, your marital status - there is nothing getting in the way of you finding some opportunity to share Christ's love.

And God has promised success. No - He has promised luck; good fortune; well-being.

Other versions use the word "happy" instead of "luck," or "blessed." Do God's work, and you will be happy.

Be an active doer. There is something, or someone, right there, next to you, or in the room at this moment, that can use the Master's touch. Don't just sit there, do something!

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