I am no prophet, nor a prophet's son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees, and the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, `Go, prophesy to my people Israel.
- From Amos 7
Amos was no expert. He prophesied, while not being a prophet. He was not considered to have prophet talents. He didn't earn credentials in prophesy by going to a prophet college. He had no published, peer-reviewed writings that demonstrated his authority. He received no grants, did no research, studied no foreign languages. He was not ordained, nor had the hands of respected elders ever placed upon his head.
He was just a herdsman.
A guy from Flyover Country. He did not "appear successful," so he was not treated with deference.
He might have worn a MAGA cap. He might have been called a Deplorable, from out of a basket of Deplorables.
He might have resisted mandates from secular government . . . even those that were for our own good, or that were designed to keep other people safe. He held his own counsel.
Whatever he did, though . . . it drove the movers, shakers, the wealthy, the puppetmasters, the experts crazy!
Amos was a spreader of misinformation, and he was a spreader of disinformation. He called out people with the power to have him executed. He was a spreader of conspiracy theories, or so the projecting authorities would have you believe, as they conspired, themselves, to keep themselves in power, and anyone challenging them, in check.
Did Amos live in America, in 2022?
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