He gathered them out of the lands . . .
- From Psalm 107
The children of the Creator of the Universe always have to be redeemed. They have to be saved. They have to be rescued.
They always get attacked and are forced to leave their homes. They get to a point of wealth and freedom . . . they set the standard for advancement in the arts, in science, in technology, in social progress. They become a place that others take great risks to get to . . . other people always have to escape horrible conditions to get to the land of God's people.
And then, I guess out of some sense of mercy, the invaders don't kill all of them outright, but will just scatter them throughout the world, where they can no longer cause trouble building wealth and freedom, and spreading such toxic ideas as the innate dignity of every single individual, and the right of all people to express what's on their own mind.
So, when God goes out and saves His people, He always has to go gather them . . . and bring them home.
Wouldn't it be better if the world, that hates God's people so, would just figure out what it is, that makes them so free, and wealthy, and happy . . . and maybe try to emulate, and learn from . . . them?
Isn't that better than violently attacking them, and ruining their lives, and cultures, and all the attending benefits to the world?
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