Monday, July 25, 2022


Lord, judge the nations. 

 - From Psalm 7

When your heart and soul are being battered by world events; and you are overwhelmed with worry for the next outrage around the corner; and you suffer in constant anxiety that affects you physically - it is easy to retreat into a fight-or-flight response. Even a committed pacifist may lash out when cornered. 

And I think an awful lot of us are feeling cornered by hoards of people that mean us malice, here in 2022. 

When violent criminals are let free, and public safety officials' hands are tied . . . 

When wealthy politicians and billionaires get away with near murder, without as much as a slap on the wrist . . . 

When good and humble people, just showing up at school meetings to defend their kids, are treated as society's pariahs . . . 

When the nation's hard-earned wealth is wasted on nations that hate us, and on newcomers whose intentions toward us are known . . . 

Then what do you expect, if violence and infidelity increases, in turn?

Humans are emotionally-driven creatures that may lash-back when pushed into a corner. 

It is all being done by nations. The chief criminals in subjugating and enslaving people, are nations. "Nation" can mean something good, when it refers to a generalized concept of "people." (In a recent blog post, I touted the value of the word "family" as a much better goal, than "country-nation." You are subjects of a nation, but members of a family).

Even the world's 1% are basically powerless, without having the resources of a nation at their disposal. The goal is to influence nations. The nation is the culprit in doing the dirty work of Evil. 

This is why the only nation that's worth a darn, is the nation which has free people as citizens. Only a nation of families can be remotely trusted. 

Nations will bear the brunt of judgment, one day. And the court proceedings of that trial, will be something to see!

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