And you, do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them . . .
- From Jeremiah 45
At the time Jeremiah dictated these words from the Lord, Judah was very near it's end. They had just experienced a golden years coda under King Josiah, and now his son, Jehoiakim, was in charge. Under Josiah, the people were happy and prosperous.
Josiah revived the culture of freedom, wealth, security, and safety. The only real safety that counts, it seems, is the kind the results from freedom. "Safety" coming from a strong arm of government is not safety at all. You must be free to be truly safe.
Under Josiah, the law enforcement infrastructure was effective. You could walk around city streets after dark, with no fear. The farms produced an abundance: a surplus! Trade was very favorable, as Judah's goods and produce were top-notch.
The military was respected and feared abroad. No one dared attack Judah.
But that doesn't mean they didn't want to attack Judah. God's enemies are always envious of the lifestyle and bounty of His people. They always need, and only need, just a little vulnerability, and to strike (brutally) as soon as God's people let their guard down, just a little.
We can reasonably conclude that, under Josiah, crime was down, incomes were up, unemployment was down, public happiness was unsurpassed. People got out and about. They mingled. They got close . . . regardless of all other considerations - people build their communities and families, and celebrated everything. King Josiah had one primary indicator of the State of the Kingdom: Everybody smiled, a lot. Even his political opposition smiled.
But shortly into the reign of Jehoiakim, unemployed went back up. Inflation soared. The national borders were overrun. Crime filled the streets. Vandals destroyed artwork and major hubs of commerce. Opposition to the crown has empowered, emboldened. They took to the streets in protest. They probably even had a resurgence of various viral outbreaks. And Judah's enemies licked their chops.
In that context, Jeremiah says "Don't be thinking about adding anything great to your resume, or lifestyle. Just be thankful for your life. Be content with that."
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