. . . the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring . . . .
- From Genesis 28
If you want to get close to the Truth of God, a good starting point is always, to find out what agitates God's adversaries.
Take the high-profile, high-volume scoffers, complainers, skeptics, pleasure-lovers, and overall mockers of the Church (especially the evangelical Church), and find out which concepts, quotations, and memes get them dropping f-bombs in the least amount of time.
Start there. These people will give you many clues as to where God may be coming from. That is, if you take the opposite view of the scoffers.
Land policy has become a big deal in our time. Land has been big since the beginning of world history, which basically, is about the acquisition of territory. And if you get at the root of it, it's not so much because people are so bad (which they are). The root is in the reality that people are so insecure. We crave safety (look at how easily the concept of "safe" was invoked, to move the masses around like pawns during 2020-early 2022).
We want property because we want to feel safe. Give me a large house with sturdy walls. Let there be good locks on the doors, and let me have other means to protect myself and my family. Let my property be large enough that it would take some effort to get from the street to an entry point.
Cul-de-sacs are preferred, because there is only one point of ingress and egress.
In 2022, the powerful people are insecure and need to feel more safe. They want the masses living in concentrated high-rises, with shared open space, and their basic needs provided. They want there to be a zone between the people-concentrations and the remotely-placed neighborhoods of the rich and powerful.
They want safety.
Greed has been used to make people envious of property, out of selfish (not good) motives. Historical land policies have been referenced, to marginalize the haves as beneficiaries of evil land-grabs . . . . so that their land may be seized from them, in turn. And so on, and so on . . . .
On a less cynical note: It has been placed in our hearts to love the land. The spread of Western ideals has always had at its foundation, the desire that as many people as possible may live in freedom, with, yes, land. In the end we know that safety is best attained by expanding plenty, and giving people room to grow, and thrive. We may have concentrations of people in cities. But we want anybody, that wants to, to be able to acquire land.
This idea, that land possession is a good thing, works when it is possessed by people that love freedom and prosperity (for all). And we need to get away from the notion that land policy through history has been totally and only evil. The benefits of the expansion of love and freedom are enabled via a growing territory of people that love those principles.
Therefore, land is always offered, in God's plan, as a way to consolidate His family and His Kingdom, and as a way to provide for his children what they want, what we all want: A place to live in peace, safety, and prosperity.
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